Thursday, December 27, 2012

My Christmas Card Photo Session

My girls insisted that we do something different for our Christmas Card this year.  

They were all tired of the previous years of them outside, grouped together with matching outfits.  "We're tired of the matchy-matchy Mom!"  They wanted something fun and totally different.  I asked each one of them what they wanted and together we came up with a Milk and Cookies theme.  

I went shopping at HomeGoods (glassware), Marshalls (glassware), Michaels (paper straws), Target (tank tops, milk cups) and Trader Joes (great cookie selection!) for accessories.   

The first two pictures are of us setting up and getting the lighting correct.  As you can see, Tia is less than thrilled to be sitting there.  The cookies were way too tempting.

The 3rd image: I caved and gave the girls a few cookies while I was setting up, loving chocolate they all choose oreos; very messy! and we poured the milk for the session.

Wanting to control the situation a bit before letting them loose on 'the eating of the cookies', I made the girls just blow bubbles with their milk first.  Here's a little dialog of how that goes: Me: Okay blow bubbles in your milk, but don't overflow it, okay great-stop-stop-don't overflow...look up-smile-eyes on me-smile-bring your glasses closer together-go crazy blowing bubbles-okay stop-great-
keep blowing-go crazy!
Capturing these images was a blast!  
Then, eating the cookies was even better.  Tia couldn't stop laughing, Lucy was hilarious and Pearl had stars in her eyes!

I think this years' Christmas card was a success!  We can't wait to plan next years!

Happy New Year!!!

Show me your cookies!

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