Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year Resolutions......

Another Year....Another set of promises to myself
I have only two this year.

1. Take one month off from coffee. Let's face it, I love coffee. I can drink it all day long. There are days when 4 cups of high test just don't cut it. I need more. There are days when I actually brew a pot at 5 pm, those are the nights I don't seem to get any sleep-I wonder why. So, in order to give my brain a fresh start, I am going to give myself a break from the very thing that I love so much. Who knows, maybe I'll have more energy without it, it has been said by many friends; it's worth a try, right?

2. 365 Project. One picture a day. Nothing spectacular, just one picture taken by me every day to document my life. Simple.

Happy New Year!!
Danielle :)

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