Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Elf on the Shelf

For Christmas, my Mom sent the girls "The Elf on the Shelf". The story is that this little Elf goes back to the North Pole when you are sleeping and reports to Santa on the their behavior and then hides in a new spot the next morning. When the girls wake up, they have to find where his new hiding place is. If you happen to forget to move him, he's just taken the day off. This happened to us on Sunday, but with our quick wits, we just explained that the Elf was tired from all his travels back and forth from the North Pole and needed to take a day of rest. My
8 year old was a little skeptical of that explanation but after a little convincing via the internet, she luckily still believes....phew!

The Elf's many hiding spots:

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