Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Beggin' for Bacon!

Winter Project 2013

Handsome Boy is an English Bull Terrier.  
He is seven years old.  
He is deaf in one ear.
By the girth of him, you can tell that he loves food. 

 He also loves wood chips, children's toys and zippers and plastic anything and tennis balls and well, you get the picture.  Handsome has what you would call a non selective eating disorder.  He sees it-he eats it.  Because of his eating habits, Handsome has had not one, not two but three surgeries to remove 
non-food items from his belly.  When she was a baby, my youngest daughter Pearl (pictured with Handsome below) loved to throw her pacifiers (hospital issued) (*for those non-parents out there, those are the heavy duty, extra thick plastic, circular pacifiers-not easy to choke down) over the gate and into the dog room.  Handsome would gobble them up like steak.  During one surgery, the vet found SIX of them in his stomach.  All with different timelines of digestion.  Seriously!

Even though he is now on a very strict diet of dog food and bones only, Handsome still loves to eat and  spends most of his days begging for food and laying in the sun.  

We love him and couldn't imagine our family without him.  

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