Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Wolfe Neck State Park-Freeport, Maine with The Cryvoff-Rusiecki Family

The Cryvoff-Rusiecki Family

Cathy's Mom won a family session at a local school auction.  All she wants for the holidays is a family picture of her daughter, son in law and grandchildren.  I think we captured that for her!

I met The Cryvoff-Rusiecki's at Wolfe Neck State Park in Freeport.  Although I have lived in Freeport for over 10 years, I am embarrassed to admit-I have never been to there.  Embarrassing!  It's a gem of a place.  I can't wait to go back and explore.  Thank you for sharing such an gorgeous spot!

I love Family Sessions-there is just something about the energy of families that motivates to me to capture every move.  Kids are always on the move.  Throwing and jumping and running and singing and playing and twirling...nonstop....you get the picture.  

The Cryvoff-Rusiecki Family was a blast to photograph.  Thank You!!

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